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The beta version animation delivery : until June 30, 2006.

Rashomon Miyanoki-Kagura-dan

 As the country became unsettled, the gate of Rashomon, which was once beautiful and shining, fell apart. Dead people were left there. People said that demons haunted this desolate place.
 Tsuna lived near Rashomon. Tsuna had hidden the demon’s arm in his house after cutting it off at Modoribashi.
 A woman, Tsuna’s nanny when he was a child, appeared and asked him to show her the demon’s arm. At first, Tsuna refused, but as the woman insisted, he finally showed her the arm.
 The nanny was actually Shutendoji in disguise. It had killed and eaten Tsuna’s real nanny.
 The disguised demon chief grabbed the demon’s arm and ran away to the demon that had lost its arm. The arm was now attached to the demon again.
 This is the story of Rashomon.
July 28, 2002 Charity rally
Cultural, central collection 38'10
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